Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd

Monday, June 27, 2011

2 Nephi 2: 2

"And he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain."

This scripture tells me that no experience is wasted. When we have bad days, or when we do something wrong we are learning. We should learn and grow from our afflictions as our Heavenly Father would have us do. If we can find meaning in our affliction and be comforted by our faith in the Lord, He will help us not to put our experience to waste. He will make it for our good and suddenly a bad day was a great learning moment. If we have sinned, we repent and are healed by the atonement. After we exercise our faith in the atonement we are stronger and we have gained something important, faith and knowledge.
Recently I have learned of the importance of good and bad experiences. I do not regret a single moment that lead to my ultimate heart break, I don’t even really regret the heart break. I have learned so much from this experience. The Lord has turned my trial into a gain. I am now aware of so many things and make better choices. Had I learned nothing from the experience all would be for not. 
  It also seems very special to me that the word “consecrate” is used.  “To make or declare sacred.” All affliction is sacred. It is a learning opportunity they Lord has trusted you with and should you bear it well, He will dedicate this sacred opportunity to you and make it a blessing. Decide now that you will bear well your affliction that it might be for a purpose.